Hi Folks,
I really want all the members involved in building projects to have build threads. I also am quite insistent upon having lots of pictures in the threads. You know the old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words. When people have to click on a link and leave the thread it is confusing to a lot of them and sometimes they never get back. Let's face it, normally car guys aren't computer geeks. I just happen to be the exception... Anyway, I am going to give you a little quick run through here so you will know how to get those pictures on your build thread from your Photobucket account.
1. Start your post in your thread
2. When you want to start adding pictures from your Photobucket account do the following steps
3. Minimize your window for the board, (Darksider's Realm), Open your browser, (Internet Explorer etc)
4. Open up or start your Photobucket pages
5. Find and click directly on the picture you want to have posted in your build thread
6. Then you picture will appear and be larger than the thumbnail in you album line up
7. The second box down on the left side of the page there will be a Share this Image header
8. The 4th. item down in this box is the IMG Code With a box to the right with the code
9. Place you cursor anyplace over the code in the box and click on it
10. Upon doing this you should se a momentary yellow box to the left flash "copied"
11. Now, go to the bottom toolbar and click on the minimized box for your build thread
12. This will bring you thread you are working on back up and minimize or cover Photobucket
13. Hit enter twice to double space your cursor from the last text you typed.
14. press the control key and the "V" key simultaneously, (Ctrl - V)
15. This should place the image code for the picture you picked from Photobucket in your text
16. If you want to add text explaining the picture, double space and type it in here.
17. You can now scroll down and click on the PREVIEW button and see what you did
18. Now, if you want to add more pictures just go back to Photobucket by clicking on the box at the bottom
19. This will bring up the last photobucket page you looked at, which was the enlarged pic you just posted
20. At the top left of the page there is a box to able you to scroll through the thumbnail pictures you have
21. Click on your next choice and wait for that picture to appear enlarged
22. Go back to step # 7 and repeat the procedure.
23. Do the repeat cycle for as many pictures as you want to post in your thread
I used Photobucket as an example because it seems most people use it as opposed to other services. This procedure can probably be modified to suit other services. You can get a Photobucket account by going to
OK, I have tried to make this as simple as I can yet not leave out any minor details. I realize I am not the best person at explaining things so there may still be some confusion here. If you need additional help, just e-mail or PM me with your phone number and a time to call you. I have unlimited LD and I'm retired so it really is no bother. Besides, I never pass up a chance to talk to ad better get to know the folks on the board. if you want you can try calling me. remember, I'm on EST here. Best times are 9 AM to noon and 8 PM to 11 PM. Of course you can take a shot at it anytime but those are the best times.
I hope this helps. I would advise printing out this procedure so it will be handy as a reference.
Later Man...